Because of its exceptionally fine and homogeneous microstructure, the material produced via the melt-spinning process is particularly suitable for application in aluminium mirrors, moulds and casings.
- Mirrors
- Moulds
- Frame constructions
- Mountings/Casings
- Others
The fine grain makes it possible to produce mirrors or moulds with a factor 2 smoother surface for mirrors and moulds, often also without the necessity for applying a coating. With this, mirrors with a 50% better reflection can be produced, and also quicker and cheaper, as extra steps in processing can be dispensed with.
In the case of moulds it is known that by means of a better thermal conduction in respect of steel, the working time of the pressure die casting process can be halved. The fine microstructure makes it possible to obtain a very smooth surface by polishing it with diamond tools. This brings about a reduction in costs and a considerable gain in time in the case of prototype production and small series.
The application of an LTE (low thermal expansion) alloy in the framing of mirrors prevents expansion of the frame in which the mirror is fitted, offers advantages over other heavier metals e.g. nickel and cobalt, which are often applied in such a system